I've been taking these pills since December , after I realized how badly my hair was falling out. I was rather oblivious to how much I was shedding until I noticed how many loose strands I'd be pulling out in the shower while shampooing, and although I'm aware hair is three times weaker when it's wet, it scared me. I went out the next day to buy things to make my hair strong again, such as shampoo without sulfates and these vitamins. I don't know how long it took before I actually noticed they were helping, I wasn't paying much attention because I was simply convinced they wouldn't help. But one day I realized not only was I leaving less hair all over the bathroom floor from brushing my hair, but I pull out a lot less when I shampoo my hair! Admittedly, I don't use the sulfate-free shampoo as much as I should, because my regular shampoo smells like apples and I love the scent, so I use that more than the other stuff. So I know the majority of the progress has been because of these vitamins. I haven't noticed any difference in my skin, but that's because I already have good skin. But another huge difference besides the decrease in hair shedding is my nails are incredibly healthy! They used to crack and chip and just plain break off so easily, I could bump my hand into a hard surface while walking and it'd chip a nail. I got so used to it that my healthy nails were the first thing that made me realize these vitamins actually work. One day I jammed my hand into the kitchen counter because I stumbled, and started to walk toward the bathroom to get nail clippers because I completely expected at least one fully demolished nail that has to be trimmed down, but my nails weren't affected at all by the blow to the ceramic. These vitamins can double as a daily multitab as well. These vitamins don't have iron though, so if you need iron, you'll need to take a separate supplement. One warning, however: These vitamins will turn your urine neon yellow:) The brightness will fade over time as you continue to take these, but for the first couple months at least, you'll seriously have dayglo yellow pee.
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