My sister sometimes gets very chapped lips -- dry, rough, red, extending about 1/2 inch beyond both upper and lower lips. Waxy, petroleum chapstick-type lip balm doesn't touch it; shea butter helps soften it a bit but doesn't make it go away. NeemAura Neem Skin Salve REALLY helps her. We have tried other neem products -- like a neem lip balm -- but they have not worked for her or sting. I think it's a combination of the neem itself counteracting some type of bacteria in her saliva that worsens her chapped lips, plus whatever base the salve has in it. The worst thing about using the neem skin salve on her lips is that it tastes HORRIBLE -- like a very bitter herb. (So maybe part of it is that she doesn't lick her lips and make it worse when it's on!) When it's getting worse, and she finally gets out the tin and puts some on (above and below her lips, to try to avoid the taste), it immediately soothes the dryness and pain, without stinging. It immediately feels better. She and I notice that the redness starts to recede that day, is visibly better by day 2 and 3, and by day 4 or 5, it is gone. Without this product, the redness stays for a week or more, getting worse. We ran out a month ago and the shea butter has not been cutting it, so here I am ordering some more!