Since gaining weight my cycles have been a little crazy, and up until this month I hadn't had a period since August. I began taking Maca (one pill in the morning, one at night) in early November and after TTC for 7 months we got pregnant so obviously I ovulated. Unfortunately it did not last, I miscarried at 4 weeks, but I do not think the medication had anything to do with it as early m/c are sadly very common. Also I read another review on here where this medicine helped a woman with her cycles and she got pregnant and updated to say she had a very healthy pregnancy and her baby was fine, so I will keep trying.The only negatives I noticed was A) it didn't seem to help increase my labido much, after 7 months of trying to get pregnant, making love can start to feel like a chore so I was hoping for some help in that area. B) I noticed for the first two weeks or so I had rather loose stools and an upset tummy....however I stuck with it and now I feel fine. But so far I am very happy with how it has helped regulate and the fact that I got pregnant the first month trying it is either a coincidence, or proof that it works.